Monday, October 14, 2013

Roman city prompts

C.  An aqueduct moves wage by using gravity. Once architects have found a source of water in the mountains they determine what angle is needed to bring the water to the city. By having the water move down a gradual slope they rely on gravity to do all the work for them. Beside building the actual aqueduct, which was constructed out of stone. Large pillars supported the slope and Romans made use of arches to span large rivers and support the weight. Aqueducts are similar to the Persian water system called the qanat. Qanat also relied on gravity to transport water. The major difference between the two was that Aqueducts were

F. Marcus Fabricius can't marry Aiden because she is not a Roman. This is similar to the Indian society and their caste systems. People of India could only marry people within their castes.

G. Slaves were not treated with as much disrespect as seen in other parts of the world. Marcus Fabricius does not abuse his slave and instead he has a level of respect. Marcus also gave his slave freedom. Greece and Rome's attitude toward slavery was very similar. Both societies showed more respects towards their slaves than many parts of the world. They also gave their slaves freedom after a long time of loyal service. They could also be granted freedom if they were skilled enough craftsman.

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