Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reasons for the collapse of the roman empire

I agree with the theory that Disease was a cause of the fall of Rome. I don't believe it is the only cause but I believe it played a significant role. The epidemics that spread throughout the Roman Empire wiped out nearly half the population. This meant their were less people to tax and a large army to support some it caused some economic problems. Also with out any money the army wouldn't be able to be funded and therefor would have a hard time keeping everything in control. Also because barbarians lived outside the empire or in isolated towns they weren't as affected by the epidemics as the Romans were. This meant the population of the barbarians grew while the roman population decreased. The barbarians then had an easier time attacking the Roman Empire and integrating themselves into the Roman Empire causing more strain on the people and the roman culture. All in all disease was a major reason for the decline of the Roman Empire.

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