Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sim Silk Road

I found out that the Silk Road was a very confusing process. There were many regions with many different languages and currency.this caused problems when people began to trade because we could only communicate with a certain amount of people. This complicated things when we needed goods from other people. Not only that but because humans are humans greed took over. This was evident in this activity even though it was just a simulation. People tried to swindle each other some stole and others lied in order to get what they want. This was reinforced even more when we introduced a banker and translator. People stole money from the banker and the translators acted on their own trying to make a profit for themselves. So the Silk Road was a crazy in short.

I enjoy these kinds of activities. It beats sitting in a chair taking notes. Although it is very easy to get out of control and lose the meaning of the activity, it is also very easy to rember the meaning. So I think as long as those involved have a little self control and look at the bigger picture it is a great and effective way of teaching. Of course it needs some background information, places and people but in order to understand the main concept it worked very well. I would love to do something like this again.

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