Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Oceanic voyages

The two way voyages between Tahiti and Hawaii as well as other island in Oceana play a crucial role in the development in societies. The people who travel bring the culture from their island and spread it to the next. This can include gods and other things such as dancing. Also the introduction of new people can also lead to a new chiefly line. Not only do these voyages effect those who are visted but the people making the trip can also send back the culture from the place they have visted to their original home. Its a new way street. These voyages played a crucial role on the development of oceanic cultures.

1 comment:

  1. You aren't wrong here, but you need to build the habit of referring specifically to the document to support yourself. You shouldn't quote, but you should be able to say, as Mo'iheka's trip back from Hawai'i demonstrates... to prove your point.
