Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chinese are first?

 Menzies provides a very interesting argument. From what was viewed in the video I would say he does have a compelling argument. He has several maps form around 1420ish that show islands that are from the western world. These were recorded before Europeans had ever set foot in the America's. The big question is, if the Chinese did come to America why didn't they leave a lasting impression, why isn't there any clear evidence they were there. Menzies attempts answer this by citing a paper from several geneticists. Some Indian DNA is closer related to Chinese DNA than it is European DNA and what is even more interesting is each spot that this DNA was found, was in the exact spot Menzies suggests the chines landed. He also believes a mysterious road under water in Central America, is of Chinese construct and was a slip way for the ships that where caught in a storm. So there is a little evidence that the Chinese were actually present. I am about 95% on board with Menzies theory. I'm still brain washed that Christopher Columbus was the first to visit the America's. If Menzies produces 1 or 2 more pieces of evidence that the Chinese were present he will win my support. Got to get that expanded core.

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