Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Compare and contraste the qurans teaching with other religions

The relastionship between Allah and human beings is similar to the views of Zorastrianism, Judaism and christianism in its belief of a paradise after death and different in that Zoroastrianism had several different dieties. All four religions foused on and idea of a paradise after life that one can get to if they practiced good moral behavior. They also believed in a hell which you would go to if you were evil. The religions empazied that the behavior that was appropriate to practice in order to get to heaven was dictated by their supreme deity and there for they should follow him and be subbisive to him as stated in the Quran, "men and women who have come to submission". The religions differe in one aspect which is that Zoroastrianism believes in several dieties not just one all powerful. This probably came from the fact that it was the earliset and it's roots are planted it early Persian religions that involved many dieties for different things.

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