Thursday, November 14, 2013

Constantinople vs Baghdad

Benjamin of Tudela got around, visiting some of the greatset cities of his time including Constantinople and Baghdad. Both cities where similar in size, Constantinople coming in at 18 miles in circumference and Baghdad at 18 miles circumference. Both cities attracted much trade and business due to their size and as a result they became very wealthy. In bothe cities there are buildings with gold and silver columns, a representation of wealth and power. In his descriptions of both cities he mentions Constantinople's entertainment system and Baghdad's Caliph. In Constanitiople they have a place called the Hippodrome where there are many different forms of entertainment preformed. In order to impress the emperor. Benjamin describes the Caliph in his description of Baghadad. The Caliph is the head of the Muslim religion and he lives in a grand palace. The Caliph providspes hospitals for his people and all of his actions are good. Baghadad also has palm trees and fantastic gardens and vegetation.

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