Wednesday, September 25, 2013

India questions

The Arabic numerals were impornant because they are the basis of our calculations today. They invented the index of placeholders so that you could simplify the writting of numbers by using the same symbols. They also created the number zero independently form Mayans and Babylonians. In all it simplified math and made it much easier to carry out difficult calculations.

 Confuciusnism and and the reflections of the caste are similar because they explain how to live your life. Both talk about knowing your place and do your job. With confusius it's so society will be better and in these reflections it's so they can escape rebirt. Zoroastrianism is similar because they both talk about a soul that needs saving.

1 comment:

  1. Your descriptions of the areas of similarity and differences is not well fleshed out, and isn't organized very well. Given that compare and contrast is a pretty big part of the class, I'd encourage you to make sure you can clearly articulate the areas of overlap in the belief systems we discuss!
