Monday, September 9, 2013

Comment on Nikhil's project

Hey Nikhil. Just wanted to say the amount of effort put in this project is amazing and it came out really well. So Good Job! First I love the way you added the word Mesopotamia in cuneiform. Also all off the additional symbols and pictures, such as the upside down head and many circles where interesting to read about. I'm not quite sure what there is to improve on. I think that a suggestion for next time would be to add printed pictures as well as hand drawn ones. Hand drawn ones show the amount of effort but if you have both it might show that you explored all aspects of the project, which in some ways is just as good. Also their is a lot going on in this project and with out the description in may seem a jumbled mess. I might suggest making the different symbols and extra pictures a little more distinct from each other just to make the picture a little easier to understand. One similarity between our societies (I'm India, Aryan.) is that they have very similar hierarchies. Both Indian an Mesopotamian societies have a pyramid shape when discussing hierarchies. Slaves on the bottom, artisans and craftsmen, nobles scribes and priests and then kings and leaders. Also the Aryan society could be considered a small melting pot because it is a mixture of Aryan and Dravidian thing that is different from our societies is that the Aryan society never developed much in terms of technology or sciences. The mesopotamians developed the measurements of time for year and other math things. One question is why you choose the rubix cube as an symbol. You explain what it symbolizes but what made you think to use something that wasn't actually part of the project?

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