Sunday, May 25, 2014

White Mans Burden

Based on his poem, it seemed that Kipling thought it was the whites duty to rule the native people. He believes that the whites were the superior people and that the natives needed to be ruled. He conveys this message by describing them as, "new caught, sullen peoples / half-devil, half-child" which shows that Kipling views  the natives as lower quality. He implies the natives aren't completely human but instead half human and half monster. Kipling also says "have done with childish days". This shows that Kipling believed that the way the natives ruled themselves before was childish compared to the European rule. He wants the Natives to let go of their old way and let themselves be ruled by the Europeans because they are superior. To further reinforce his point that the way the natives ruled themselves was inferior the the whites he refers to their kings rule as "tawdry". Kipling describes the Europeans as better and a Guard. This is clear evidence that Kipling believes the whites to be superior. He implies that the Whites are better and that it is their duty to guard those that are lesser than them. Kipling believes that the whites are the supreme race and he conveys this idea through is poems and the language he uses in them.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Imperialist map.

I had this in my back back but it never made it to the blog. Oops

What was great Britains interest in Australia?
Why are all the European colonies in Africa so split up. Was it on purpose or just a whoever gets there first type deal?
Why wasn't South America colonized?
How were do these colonies effect the world wars?
What where the major benefits from the colonized areas?
What allowed Ethiopia to escape colonization?

Monday, April 7, 2014

China's drug problem

Lin Zexu clearly has a problem with opium. Not that he is addicted but instead his country is and he does like this. Lin hates opium and conveys this dislike by describing opium as posion and referring to its odor as repugnant. He also says heaven and the gods are upset by its use and that it should be plowed down and replaced with food crops. So it is clear he doesn't like it. The Chinese government has put forth several laws that if broken are punishable by death to stops the importation of opium. Any opium peddler caught will be killed. This shows that china saw this as a major threat and attempted to steer people away by killing others. Classic history problem solving.

Monday, March 31, 2014


  • easier work
  • more family time
  • production of more goods
  • advancement in technology
  • the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • things become cheaper
  • with new technology and a supply of goods life expectancy and wellness of people will increasingly become better.
  • goods can be transported over distances which means trade increases.
  • cultures blend with the increase of trade
  • population increases
  • children can be sent to work because labor inst specialized 
  • wealth inst dependent on the expensive items you are able to buy and is more on how many you have
  • I find the chain reaction of technology very interesting, not relevant to the post but yeah.
the people were upset with the fact they lost their jobs and they tried they didn't appreciate that. so they tried to break everything. i would say they are reactionary.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I always enjoy ted talks. They are wonderful and refreshing to hear smart intelligent people after spending a day in high school. I like Niall Ferguson. He was an interesting speaker and he had a cool accent. He was also funny, I liked the joke about 1776. I agree with his idea of the 6 apps. It makes sense and is a pretty good way of simplifing the couple idea. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fabian rejects Christianity

Fabian does not like Christianity. He calls it a perversed and cursed faith. During his time Japan believed in the imperial dignity of the gods. Meaning the rulers of Japan were godly. This is a very common practice in Japan and China. Fabian also talks about Buddhism and his return to it. Buddhism was the common religion in Japan and Fabian makes several references about returning to and abiding to Buddhism. Also Fabian talks about the Europeans invasion of Asia. Because they were following the way of their god or Deus, Europeans take it upon themselves to invade everything they can see and spread/force their religion to other people. In short Fabian disliked Christians.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Maximize the slave Buisness

Based on Equiano's account the members of the slave Buisness took several measures to ensure maximum profit. The biggest of which was keeping the slaves alive. The conditions on the boats where harsh and cruel, Equiano's mentioned the smell was unlike anything he had smelt before. These conditions coupled with the fact they were slaves made suicide seem like a easy way out of the torture. However the slave traders would not allow that because if all the slaves jumped off the side of the boat they would lose their Buisness. So the slave traders, chained the slaves and kept close eyes on them. They also whipped those who tried to jump or refused to eat. The slave traders also forced the slaves to eat so that they would starve and die. Not pretty conditions