Sunday, May 25, 2014

White Mans Burden

Based on his poem, it seemed that Kipling thought it was the whites duty to rule the native people. He believes that the whites were the superior people and that the natives needed to be ruled. He conveys this message by describing them as, "new caught, sullen peoples / half-devil, half-child" which shows that Kipling views  the natives as lower quality. He implies the natives aren't completely human but instead half human and half monster. Kipling also says "have done with childish days". This shows that Kipling believed that the way the natives ruled themselves before was childish compared to the European rule. He wants the Natives to let go of their old way and let themselves be ruled by the Europeans because they are superior. To further reinforce his point that the way the natives ruled themselves was inferior the the whites he refers to their kings rule as "tawdry". Kipling describes the Europeans as better and a Guard. This is clear evidence that Kipling believes the whites to be superior. He implies that the Whites are better and that it is their duty to guard those that are lesser than them. Kipling believes that the whites are the supreme race and he conveys this idea through is poems and the language he uses in them.

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