Monday, March 31, 2014


  • easier work
  • more family time
  • production of more goods
  • advancement in technology
  • the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • things become cheaper
  • with new technology and a supply of goods life expectancy and wellness of people will increasingly become better.
  • goods can be transported over distances which means trade increases.
  • cultures blend with the increase of trade
  • population increases
  • children can be sent to work because labor inst specialized 
  • wealth inst dependent on the expensive items you are able to buy and is more on how many you have
  • I find the chain reaction of technology very interesting, not relevant to the post but yeah.
the people were upset with the fact they lost their jobs and they tried they didn't appreciate that. so they tried to break everything. i would say they are reactionary.

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