Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Learning like the griots

I don't think I would want to learn like the griots. First they only learn their history it's more interesting to learn about everybody's history. Second it is all they do. I personally have other things I would rather do than learn history (no offense). And third I don't want to memorize all that history. I like the idea that that is how they teach their history and that somebody out their does it. I just wouldn't want to learn like that.

Essay evaluation

After looking over my essays several patterns have become evident. For the most part evidence isn't a problem which means that I know the material. How prefer global context for both forms of the essays is one of the things that gets me. Perhaps I don't understand what I'm supposed to do or I'm just having trouble thinking of things other than what the essay is on. I've never been able to get expanded core because I usually miss one of the basic core which doesn't allow me to get expanded core.

Monday, January 27, 2014

History time line

In class we talked about visualizing history from the begining to now. I think it is always good to have a main time line to give you an idea about the chronology of everything. Sometimes things just fit when you understand what came when. But that isn't all that is important because you also née to people and places and what they did as well as when. So I think the answer to this would be a multilayered time line or a time line with other boxes around it. Something of the sort. Basically you have a central time line, around it are boxes of information seperated into regions with facts. Each fact has a line to its time on the central time line.
It would look a little prettier but that is the idea

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What I have learned

I thought this was a very interesting project. Im not one of those people that enjoys  the court of law but it is definitely very interesting. I got mixed up at how a lawyer was supposed to do his job. I thought of it more as a debate than asking just asking questions. But its a learning process. As for the material its self the mongols are a very impressive society. They have created the largest land based empire the world has ever seen. But that comes at the consequence of thousands of innocent lives. Their strategies and ways bring about questions such as, did they commit genocide or did they kidnap people. Was it all part of the war and therefor accused or did it start out as war and then turn into something much worse. I believe that there is no clear answer people will agree on. War is a tricky subject. everybody is quick to judge from a distance but when you get stuck in the middle of it, you lose your head and things happen. I do believe prosecution won the trial but maybe i'm just biased.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What I've been doing

 A review of the several nights work.
For the past couple nights I have been watching the videos and I have read the chapter. I'm taking notes on each of the defense characters as well as formulating rough questions that I may ask during the trial in order to prove our point. Im finishing the last of the videos tonight and tomorrow I will go over my notes and my classmates notes in order to finalize questions and make sure I have a clear understanding of the subject.